Sunday, October 7, 2018


How I.C.T can change the world for better?

Image result for how ict can change the world for worse

1. Technology has killed the greeting card

We are no longer paying postage to send out birthday cards. An e-card, text, or email has that covered.

2. How we date

Online dating has been around for a while, and many people are using Google to get see if their date is a dud.

3. How we share

We are no longer using the traditional route of sharing information. Social networks now allow us to share pretty much anything, anywhere, anytime.

4. How we watch TV

Our TV experience has evolved. We are no longer prisoner to a TV set. We can now watch what we what, when we want, how we want.

5. How we communicate

Gone are the days of picking up the phone or heading over to someone’s house to chat. Smartphones and the internet have replaced traditional chats with virtual ones.

6. How we read

We no longer need to carry books if we don’t want to. Smartphones, tablets, and e-readers have made it easier for us to carry our books around without breaking our backs.

7. How we parent

Parenting has now expanded to the internet. We now have to teach our children digital etiquette and warn them about the dangers on the streets as well as online


How I.CT can change the world for  worse?
Image result for how ict can change the world for worse bad effect

My Learning about Empowerment Technologies
When I tried to used computer I learned how to create my own Blogg account  and other website through of this subject.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

ICT Project for Social Change

                                   Environmental Conservation and Action

                      * Earth does not belong to us: We are belong to the earth
                      * Our aim is to protect and to take care our environment for those people abusing                                     nature
                      * Environment conservation and action is a practice of protecting the environment on                             individual.
                      *  Protect nature,for people today and future generation.
                      * To introduce the value of our environment.

                      * The main factor of this project is to promote and ensure the environmental activities,
                          including improving environment to the related rules.
                      * It help to conserve the natural resources of our environment.

                      * This project is to fulfill our responsibilities by assisting in the realization of an                                      environmentally harmonious and sustainable nature us one of our management                                      priorities.
                      * This project for us to have contribute to our nature.
                      * Topics to be included to the environmental conservation.
                      * This project will also launch a website(environmentalconservationandaction) and                                 facebook page @environmentalconservationandaction


                      * The estimated budget needed for the project is 300,000. This included the equipment                         and tools.


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Interactive Multimedia

                                                                 Interactive Multimedia
Multimedia is content that uses a combination of different content forms such as text, audio, images, animations, video and interactive content. Multimedia contrasts with media that use only rudimentary computer displays such as text-only or traditional forms of printed or hand-produced material.
Image result for define multimedia
Image result for importance of multimediaMultimedia can be recorded and played, displayed, interacted with or accessed by information content processing devices, such as computerized and electronic devices, but can also be part of a live performance. Multimedia devices are electronic media devices used to store and experience multimedia content. Multimedia is distinguished from mixed media in fine art; for example, by including audio it has a broader scope. In the early years of multimedia the term "rich media" was synonymous with interactive multimedia, and "hypermedia" was   an application of multimedia.



Definition - What does Interactivity mean?

Image result for define interactivityInteractivity is the communication process that takes place between humans and computer software.

The most constant form of interactivity is typically found in games, which need a continuous form of interactivity with the gamer. Database applications and other financial, engineering and trading applications are also typically very interactive.

Image result for define interactivityThere are many software packages that run in the background without any need for input from humans or output to them -- that is, with no interactivity.

 Multimedia Content/rich content in the online environment and the uservexperience 
    User experience (UX) is an approach to product development that incorporates direct user feedback throughout the development cycle (human-centered design) in order to reduce costs and create products and tools that meet user needs and have a high level of usability (are easy to use).“                                                                                                                             Image result for define multimedia content in the online environment and user experience                                                                                    References/Sources

Web 1.0,2.0, 3.0

In Web 1.0, there is only limited interaction between sites and web users. Web 1.0is simply an information portal where users passively receive information without being given the opportunity to post reviews, comments, and feedback. Web 2.0. It is the “writable” phrase of the World Wide Web with interactive data.

Image result for define web 1.0 2.0 3.0


My personal reaction

In creating a blogg we need patience and endurance
when i tried to create a blogg its difficult for me
idon't know how to make a blogg but when i had benignant  teacher
i learned  how to create because he is very supportive in terms of
learning in educational purposes.